Advertising with Recovery for All Projects –– Senior Health Fair, Baby Boomer Catalog, and Recovery Directory!
Target Market by advertising with Senior Health Fair, Baby Boomer Catalog, The Recovery Catalo, and Recovery for All!
Just email or call Recovery for All at (916 ) 910.9499 or email
Baby Boomer Catalog is a powerful way to reach the Baby Boomer and Senior demographic!
Senior Health Fair,, Baby Boomer Catalog, Recovery Directory, and Recovery for All are direct paths for reaching the vast Baby Boomer generation and beyond! Most folks who visit our sites are an active and affluent demographic, a perfect match for your products or services. Your ad may be seen on all four of our websites!
We offer advertising in 5 different sizes to fit any marketing budget.
Diamond Sponsor: $5000 (Two Full Width Horizontal Ads: Home page plus 1 Category)
Platinum Sponsor: $4000 (Two Full Width, ½ depth, Horizontal Ads: Home page plus 1 Category)
Gold Sponsor: $3000 (Full Width Horizontal Ad by category)
Silver Sponsor: $2000 (1/2 Width Horizontal Ad by category)
Bronze Sponsor: $1500 (1/3 Width Square Ad by category)
Personal Profile: $600 (1/3 Width Square Ad -Photo, Bio, and Contact info)

Diamond Sponsor Ad
Our Diamond Sponsor Ad is the largest ad we offer on Baby Boomer Catalog. It will be featured on the Home Page with an addition ad on a page specific to the category of the business..
(Two Full Width Horizontal Ads: Home page plus 1 Category)
See the ad size below:

*This image was created as an example ad to showcase this product as an icon of the Baby Boomer era. It is not a purchased ad.
The Diamond Sponsor Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 1109px x 346px and covers the full width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $5000.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate pages.
Platinum Sponsor Ad
Our Platinum Sponsor Ad is a full-width ad offered on Baby Boomer Catalog.
(Two Full Width, ½ depth, Horizontal Ads: Home page plus 1 Category)
See the ad size below:

*This image was created as an example ad to showcase this product as an icon of the Baby Boomer era. It is not a purchased ad.
The Platinum Sponsor Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 1109px x 346px and covers the full width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $4000.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate page.
Gold Sponsor Ad
Our Gold Sponsor Ad is the largest ad we offer on a single page of the Baby Boomer Catalog.
(Full Width Horizontal Ad by category)
See the ad size below:

*This image was created as an example ad to showcase this product as an icon of the Baby Boomer era. It is not a purchased ad.
The Gold Sponsor Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 1109px x 346px and covers the full width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $3000.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate page.
Silver Sponsor Ad
Our Silver Sponsor Ad is an affordable way to reach the Baby Boomer generation.
(1/2Width Horizontal Ad by category)
See the ad size below:

*This image was created as an example ad to showcase this product as an icon of the Baby Boomer era. It is not a purchased ad.
The Silver Sponsor Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 554px x 346px and covers the 1/2 width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $2000.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate page.
Bronze Sponsor Ad
Our Bronze Sponsor Ad is our most affordable way to reach the Baby Boomers.
(1/3 Width Square Ad by category)
See the ad size below:

*This image was created as an example ad to showcase this product as an icon of the Baby Boomer era. It is not a purchased ad.
The Bronze Sponsor Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 357px x 346px and covers the 1/3 width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $1500.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate page.
Personal Profile Ad
Our Profile Ad is for a personalized look at you or your business. It features a photo of you or your logo, a 100-word drop-down synopsis, plus phone, email address and website.
(1/3 Width Vertical Ad -Photo, Bio, and Contact info)
See the ad size below:

The Personal Profile Advertisement specifications are shown below
The ad is 357px x 500px and covers the 1/3 width of our website.
The cost of the ad is $600.00 and will run for a full year on an appropriate page.